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Client Profile

Name:    Aasha Cancer Hospital

URL:    http://aashacancerhospital.com/

Title:    Aasha Cancer Hospital

Description:    Aasha Cancer Hospital is a fully equipped cancer care center for adults and children. Its latest machinery and state of the art facilities include a modern operation theatre with an epoxy coating for zero infection, central oxygen system, multiparameter monitors, defibrillator, and an intensive surgical unit for monitoring and treatment of the patients. This Hospital is accredited by the Forum for Enhancement of Quality in Health Care (FEQH) and Association of Medical Consultants. AASHA CANCER HOSPITAL AND CHILDREN FIRST deal with all aspects of cancer management like detection treatment, surgery, chemotherapy and proper guidance for radiation, counseling and cancer education. ACHCF is fully equipped to treat different types and stages of cancer. AsIdeatore, we have developed a robust website that is accessible to all users and has well-planned information architecture, rapid loading, well-planned content, browser consistency, mobile compatibility, effective navigation, etc. And most importantly it was tested on different device types that use different browsers and has a different screen size that functions on various resolutions. The website was tested on 5 different browsers such as Google Chrome, Firefox, Opera, and Safari. And on different devices such as Desktop, Mobile and Tablets and on various resolutions such as 1920px, 320px and Tablet 1280px etc. The 4 best programming languages that were used for web development are HTML, CSS3, JavaScript, AND PHP.