Answer: Yes: Over and above 6 pages you can opt for additional pages at extra cost.
Answer:- Two Layouts will be Provided to Choose from
Answer:- No! But the layouts will be highly professional and will fulfill your requirements.
Answer:- Yes! If you have already purchased Domain you may choose only web design services.
Answer:- Yes! you can have 1-2 text based changes, which will not disturb the design. Any additional changes will attract extra charges.
Answer:-No! As already it is a low cost professional web design service, the rates won't be negotiated.
Answer:- No! No physical presence available for above services. But you can reach us through Emails! else you can come to our office, visit our website ( to reach our office.
Answer:- We already provide SEO friendly pages in this package. Although if you have requirements for additional professional search engine submissions, same will be offered at extra man-hours cost.
Answer:- No! The payment for this service should be 100% advance.
Still you have doubts?, We are happy to assist you, please feel free to write to us with your requirements